Project: Girls just wanna have impact funds

The collaborative effort between myself and Penguin Print Company has resulted in a book design that not only captures attention but also inspires positive change in the world of investing.

I've exciting role as the lead creator, overseeing every aspect of the project, from designing it to guiding the photoshoot for the book cover of "Girls Just Wanna Have Funds." This hands-on involvement allowed me to ensure that the visual representation perfectly encapsulated the essence of the book while staying true to its message of empowering women in finance.

Working closely with the photographers and models, I ensured that every detail of the imagery resonated with the themes of empowerment and sustainability.

Creative direction/Photoshoot direction/Cover design/Campaign execution/UI Design


In addition to my role in designing the book cover for "Girls Just Wanna Have Funds," I've also been designing the landing page. With a keen focus on simplicity and clarity, the landing page provides essential information about the book in a concise manner, ensuring that visitors can quickly grasp its significance and value. By prioritizing key details and incorporating user-friendly navigation, the landing page serves as an effective gateway for potential readers to learn more about the book and its empowering message for women who want to learn more about finance.